Slidey door

 For my sliding door that enters the dining carriage, i knew i wanted a window so you could see the light pouring through as it slides open. I also wanted to break up the squareness of all the wood panels so i made a few designs, and then created alphas from them to test how they'd look in the level.


 I decided that anything too flamboyant looked out of place, so kept it fairly simple, with just a bit of wooden design that would break up the glass. I created the design in photoshop, bumped using nDo and made alphas from the image. Then in max i layered the alphas to give a bit of extra depth.
 The door frame required more modelling than i first thought as there would have been holes in the geometry when the door slides open
 As the door is a mover, i had to fiddle with the lighting settings to make it fit with the rest of the wood. After lightmapping, i told it to use precomputed shadows, so the shadows get baked as normal when the lighting is built. It did however leave completely black shadows on the floor and door frame where it sits, only noticeable when the door is opened, so i told it to not cast static shadows and this seemed to eliminate the problem

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